multi lungo

Bosch Cargoline

Ride easy through the city with big tires and an extremely solid feeling.

multi lungo

Shimano EP6

Effortlessly start the day by riding to school and continue cycling.


Bosch Cargoline

Because of its direct acceleration, its powerful cargo possibilities, the Veloe® multi Bosch is capable of making your daily mobility easy.


Shimano EP6

Perfect for daily groceries, picking up your kids from school and having fun during the weekend.

multi power

without engine

A beautiful Veloe® multi powered by your strength. Same concept, powered by you.

compare: multi vs. multi lungo

veloe-bosch-2 Veloe® multi multi-lungo-shimano-green Veloe® multi lungo
Wheel size Front 24 inch / Rear 24 inch Front 24 inch / Rear 20 inch
Type midtail eBike longtail eBike
Purpose Family and cargo use Family and cargo use
Frame size One-size-fits-all One-size-fits-all
Maximum load 200 kg (rider included) 200 kg (rider included)
Motor Choose between Bosch Cargoline and Shimano EP6 Choose between Bosch Cargoline and Shimano EP6
Battery Bosch Powerpack 545Wh - Shimano 418Wh, 504Wh or 630 Wh Bosch Powerpack 545Wh - Shimano 418Wh, 504Wh or 630 Wh
How many children on the rear? 2 (1 child seat + 1 seat or cushion) 3 (2 child seats + 1 cushion)
Rear Rack length? 67 cm 77 cm
Total Bike Weight 26 kg (battery included) 26 kg (battery included)
Total Bike Lenght 180 cm 186 cm
Standard colors colors-1 or choose your own RAL color colors-1 or choose your own RAL color

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